Friday, April 29, 2011

To Jacob Black or Not to Jacob Black

When I first read Twilight, and by first I mean like the first 20 or so times I read it, I was TOTALLY Team Edward. Twilight really grabbed me emotionally and I think that's what spurred my current Twi-Addiction. So when Bella went and kissed Jacob before the newborn battle, I so wanted to smack a bitch! I had to put the book down and take a moment while I internally screamed, "You cheating whore!!". So when I found Fanfiction, I was ALL OVER the Bella/Edward fics. Could NOT get enough. Then little by little I branched into Bella/Jasper and could not get enough of those fics, from there I went to Bella/Paul and after that was pretty much a free for long as Bella was one of the characters I was in. EXCEPT, for Bella/Jacob. Now, I know that I am not quite tethered as securely into reality as I should be; I'm more than a little crazy, but I could not help but really dislike Jacob for cheating with Bella on Edward. Yeah, I need medication 'cause I hold grudges against fictional characters. I have read poly Jacob stories and for some reason I didn't have a problem with him beig with Bella as long as he had to share, that's fucked up, I know. But I have finally broken my Jacob/Bella ban! I came across a story that I'd been eyeing for some time now and finally gave in and read it...

The Definition of Want by adreyii-fic is such a fucking awesome story. It's labeled as Romance/Angst and it is totally angsty but not in that "now I need to take my blood pressure meds and go kill myself" kind of way, she couples it with Jacobs personality, his witt and sarcasm perfectly.
Here's her summery: You know how Edward offered to let Bella and Jacob make puppies? And we all secretly wondered how that would go? Yeah. It's one of those. J/B. Set post-Eclipse.
At first I was holding off on reading this 'cause I thought she was already gonna be pregnant with Nessie...and I hate Nessie stories more than Jacob Black I kept debating on weather or not to read it. But it's only 11 chapters so I figured I'd at least read to see how Edward makes his proposition to Jacob... and I am so glad I did!!

Congratulations adreyii-fic, I have officially lifted my Jacob Black Ban! My family totally hates you now that there is more FFN for me to read, but that's between you and them ;-)
Go read this story, if you don't you'll be missing out on some great story telling skills. Audreyii-fic is a great writer and I cannot believe this story only has 728 reviews. I will warn you, I think this story may have made me hate Bella now...Hmmm, I am SO fickle!

So, since I lost my Jacob Black v-card I also ended up reading Zenith by Majesta Moniet. I have to say that this is another great fic that I am so glad that I decided to read; this is also an angsty fic but there isn't all that back and forth that alot of fics do. This one seems to center around Bella's healing with a supernatural plot twist.
Here's her summery: A simple choice altered. A love given room to grow. As weeks without the Cullens' return stretch by, Bella's going to discover that vampires and werewolves aren't the only things that go bump in the night.
I am gonna warn you here, the last two or three chapters you'll probably need some tissues! That may just be me because I was totally PMS'ing when I read this, but I dare you to try not to cry! these two fics and leave the authors some review love - I COMMAND YOU!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


It seems a new genre in Twilight AU has been popping up and I for one have been loving it! The Zombie, I Am Legend take on these fics make such a great read!

Here are some of the fics I've come across and are absolutely worth the time to read, you'll LOVE them!

Kristen Nicole

Bella Swan: Zombie Killer

Zombies have taken over the continental United States. Thus sets the backdrop for an epic love story involving a boy, a girl, and her trusty shovel.

Bella/Edward; Rated M; 12 Chapters


Flesh & Blood

Flesh and blood. That's what our lives had become. They consume the flesh, we consume the blood

Jasper/Bella; Rated M; 19 Chapters


There is Always Something Worse

A few weeks before Bella and Edward's wedding, something terrible happens in the state of Washington. Can the Cullens protect Bella and her father from the living dead?

Bella/Edward; Rated M; 21 Chapters

This one is more End of the World than Outbreak but still an awesome fic!


The Fallout

March 16/06 the world the Cullens knew ended. Faith, hope and love are powerful things. Edward is about to find out how powerful they are. Yes, set during a post-apocalyptic nuclear war

Edward/Bella; Rated M; 31 Chapters


It's a Mad Mad World

Zombies have taken over most of the United Stated of America and Edward Cullen is the only survivor, or so he thinks. Can Edward adapt in order to stay alive, or will he survive by living in a Mad Mad World?

Edward/Bella; Rated M; 18 Chapters

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Here’s Some Crazy-Ass Bella!

Here are a few of the fics that I'm currently reading and totally digging on that feature a pretty bat-shit Bella. Just as an FYI, the one thing ALL these fics have in common is Bella violence; so if you have issues with physical abuse or gore, you may want to skip, that said: GO READ THEM!


My Dying Wish

Listining to Jasper tease Edward about 'finally having a female on top of him' and hearing Edwards hissed reply from underneath my bed was more than I could take. "I've heard of monsters under the bed, but this is just ridiculous."

Bella/Peter; Rated M; 15 Chapters

I so LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this fic, the shit Bella pulls is hysterical! You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll spew coffee all over the monitor - send the author some love and join me in demanding that she put out AT LEAST 25 pages of reading delight per day!



Four walls. Darkness. Bella might be Victoria's prisioner, but is it posible that what looms within the darkness is her real enemy?

Bella/Jasper; Rated M; 6 Chapters

This story is still early on, but so completely fuck-awesome! The perfect amount of wit and deranged banter mixed all in with a perfectly awesome crazy and a tad bit psychotic Bella - I just love some truly crazy as shit Bella! It features not only members of the Brady Bunch, but Evil Overlord Rules and an assholisaurus! I am really excited for this story, and where the author is planning to take it; so read it, review it and send her some PM's and let her know we demand updates!!


The Quite Room

"So, I'm a little crazy. You're a little dead, but I don't keep throwing that in your face.", I had to admit she made a valid point. I was still wary, but we out numbered her at least. After all, how much trouble could one small human posibly be.

Bella/Jasper; Rated M; 37 Chapters

This fic is now complete and it is so frickin good! I believe that this is the fic that coined the phrase "Chairpaire"...and if it's not, then sorry to whoever did :-p We get Peter, Charlotte, Garrett and of course the Cullen crew and Denali's too...if you are a Jacob fan, you may want to pass this one by 'cause even though he does not make a lot of appearances in this fic, he is quite the dog pile of shit in this story, just so ya know. This is a very well written fic and is a total must read!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Untimely Update – AKA: OMG! Someone Really Read My Fucking Blog!!

So it’s been forever and day since I have posted anything here…yeah, I suck. I didn’t really think anybody bothered to read this, but to my surprise someone DID!! Go fucking figure! Anyway, since these FFN authors were nice enough to leave me some comments, like back in August and September, on my little piece of real estate here, I thought I would pay some homage to the fic’s I am reading of theirs:

Author: Cherry Zone
Fiercest Calm –
After her mother's death and graduating from high school, Bella Swan moves to Forks. College is on hold while she mourns, so she gets a job at the local diner where she meets the handsome cook, Edward Cullen. AU/BxE/AH/eventual lemons/canon pairings.
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 13 - Words: 42,087 - Reviews: 67 - Updated: 5-31-10 - Published: 5-20-09 - Bella & Edward

Author: catonspeed
The Last Mile –
8yrs from NM bday party aftermath: It's the final nail in the coffin & Bella is running south after bad news. Where has she been? Meeting the last person she expected to find on the desert roads of Texas, is her life ending or just beginning? Jasper/Bella
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Humor/Angst - Chapters: 20 - Words: 71,822 - Reviews: 1403 - Updated: 9-14-10 - Published: 10-3-09 - Bella & Jasper
>> Here FFN page says she’s on hiatus, but hopefully she will return SOON and give us an update of this very awesome fic – so read it, leave reviews then beg and plead for an update!!

Author: bbwraven
Awakening –
Rockstar Edward Cullen is going to Forks for much needed R&R with family and friends. He didn't expect to find old flame Bella Swan dealing with an abusive husband. Can he put his bruised ego aside to be there for Bella, risking his heart to her again?
Twilight - Rated: M - English - Hurt/Comfort/Romance - Chapters: 20 - Words: 150,237 - Reviews: 1137 - Updated: 9-26-10 - Published: 9-9-09 - Edward & Bella

Check out their fics and leave them some love, too. You should check out their favorites, you're sure to find some great reads there!

I’ll be posting some of my new obsessions soon. And by soon I don’t mean five months from now!


Find The Fic!

HELP!!! I'm looking for a story that is Jasper/Bella - in the opening chapter it is Jasper POV and has him running thriugh the forrest; he's wondeing why it is he can't seem to run as fast and what is wrong with him. Towards the end of the chapter it has Jasper comming upon Bellas house and he thinks something along the lines of ...Bella, the one responsible for this happening to me. This is NOT Back from the Dead.

SO! Please Please Please send me a PM if you know what story this is, I will forever be in your debt - in fact I will read ALL your fics and review EVERY chapter!!!


Hugs and Kisses!